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Further information and support

We know this is an especially difficult and worrying time if you have a relative or someone you care for who is currently ill in hospital and being unable to visit them can make the stress and worry extremely tough.

We’ve therefore put some support in place to try and reduce this stress and help you keep you in contact with those whom you love:

Woman holding elderly mans arm in caring mannerEmotional and spiritual support for relatives and carers

Our Chaplaincy team are extending their emotional and spiritual support service to include the family and carers of patients currently in hospital.

Find more information on ourĀ Spiritual support page.

Send a Letter to a Loved One

Letter in brown envelop

We know how important it is for you to keep in touch with friends and relatives who have to be in our hospitals.

We have set up a dedicated email address bht.lettertoalovedone@nhs.net so that you can send a letter to a loved one. You may also include one photograph.

We will print it out, pop it into an envelope and deliver it to your loved one for them to keep and re-read as they wish.

Find out more at on our Letter to a loved one page.

Woman talking on a laptopā€˜Virtual visitsā€™ by video call

We know nothing is as good as seeing your loved one face to face but we will do all we can to support our patients to have video calls.

We can help patients do this with their own phones and we have also secured additional iPads for this purpose.

For any queries about virtual visits contactĀ please callĀ 01296 316042 (9am-4pm, Monday to Friday) or emailĀ bht.pals@nhs.net

Hands holding another hand in support

Carers Bucks

Carers Bucks provides a free information, advice and emotional support service to unpaid carers who have relatives in hospital, and beyond the hospital stay.

Contact 0300 777 2722 during working hours for support, and ask for the hospital support team.

For more information visit www.carersbucks.org

National information and support

All the latest information relating to coronavirus can be found on the NHS website and the official UK Government website. This includes information about the virus and what to do if you develop symptoms.

For links to health advice about coronavirus please visit the NHS public website here.

Information and resources about COVID-19 for children and young people, adults and in accessible
formats can be found on the NHS website here.

Information for children is available on the BBC Newsround website, including specific advice if children arefeeling upset by the news.


Watch a webinar : supporting parents with their children’s anxieties and COVID-19

This webinar was original created for staff working within the Trust, but maybe useful for all parents who need help to support their children with anxieties due to the pandemic.